After-Bath Cat Towel Drying Wrap (Video)

adminBathing & Drying, Handling Techniques, VideoLeave a Comment

Kai wrapped in a towel after her bathThere’s really nothing much cuter than a wet cat wrapped in a towel. Kai is one of the prettiest cats in the world. I love that we share the same birthday. In my latest video I show my method for wrapping her in a towel after her bath. I’ve always used the towels length-wise because it makes it easier to access their paws. Plus I can fold the towel around their legs easily.

Click here or on the adorable picture of Kai to watch the video now.

Working with cats requires smooth, confident, gentle movements. The kind that build trust by making the cat feel as safe as possible with the least amount of stress. For a cat, having a bath may not be the most fun thing in the world. Using compassionate techniques makes it the best experience possible.

Once Kai’s bath is complete, keeping her wrapped in a towel for several minutes shortens the total drying time. After the first towel becomes soaked through, she is wrapped in a new one and then dried with forced air while her coat is thoroughly combed to remove loose fur.

Assisted grooming improves skin and coat condition while helping prevent hairballs and matting. Over time I’ve learned what makes Kai feel the most comfortable and do my best to offer that to her. There are things I need to do that she is not a fan of at all, like anything in her hind end area. Who can blame her for that? I keep things respectful and give her lots of treats. Thank goodness she’s food motivated and will almost always eat them. It’s an excellent gauge of her comfort level and let’s me know if we should pause or continue. Cats are great communicators.

SHOUTOUT: Most of the music in my videos are sourced from the enormous library at Great stuff there by Kevin MacLeod! The track I used in this one is “Hep Cats”. I’d say Kai is definitely a ‘hip & happening’ kinda kitty. I love being her cat groomer!

I hope you enjoyed this brief look into our grooming session. If so, please share this blog and video with your friends. Comment below with your cat bathing experiences and questions. For more videos, visit and subscribe to my YouTube channel. Thanks so much!

Aunt Stacey

Kitty need a bath?

For holistic and compassionate grooming care, cat lovers trust Aunt Stacey.

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