Don’t scare your cats on purpose.

adminBehavior, Feline StressLeave a Comment

Opie relaxing on his scratcher


Don’t do it. The latest ‘cucumber vs cats’ craze is horrible. Pranks like this are cruel and cause terrible, undue stress for cats. I saddens me when these kinds of videos go viral. Leave cats out of it and let them feel safe in their home.
Be kind to your kitty. A few moments of laughter, though I personally cannot understand that type of humor, isn’t worth the negative effects on the cat.
There are many feline experts openly condemning this type of behavior. This is one of several good articles written on the subject.
Gracie, relaxing at home

Gracie relaxing on her barstool, no fear of being attacked in her own home.

Please speak out against this when you see it on social media or hear people talking about it. The cats need our voice for their protection.
As a way to bring myself back to a happy place, I prefer to watch videos of cats being celebrated by their people. One of my favorite pair of cute cats are Cole & Marmalade. Their humans make funny and educational videos. If I were to come back as a cat in another life, I’d want to be their pet. Recently they shared a new campaign called “Promote Pawsitivity!”. We need more of this stuff in the world!

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